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Premium HOLIDAYPASS – Valdaora

After checking-in into the accommodation the Premium HOLIDAYPASS is at every guest’s disposal, if the booked accommodation is member of the Tourist Info Valdaora-Olang. Guests who are in possession of the guest card are authorized to use the entire public transportation net in South Tyrol (buses, regional trains, ascending facilities).

WHAT is included in the HOLIDAYPASS Valdaora?

  • Weekly program – winter & summer
    Participation on guided activities, which are offered from the Tourist Info Valdaora
  • Mobility
    Use of the entire public transportation net in South Tyrol (buses, regional trains, ascending facilities) excluded are long-distance trains (Intercity, Eurocity, Euronight, Eurostar)and the transportation of bicycles, dogs and other pets (therefore it is necessary to buy an extra ticket)


HOW to use the HOLIDAYPASS Valdaora?

  • Important! On every guest card must be written the name of the guest and the name of the accommodation
  • The guest card may not be transferred and is valid for seven consecutive days
  • The guest card must be validated on every bus ride or before entering any train

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